2021/2022 Second Term NewsLetter

APOSTOLIC FAITH SECONDARY SCHOOL, PORT HARCOURT 56 ELIOPARANWO ROAD, OFF ADA-GEORGE JUNCTION 09038389551, 09026416250 28th March, 2022. Dear Parent/Guardian,   END OF 2ND TERM NEWS LETTER SEASON’S GREETINGS! We bring you greetings from Calvary for a successful end of the second term of the 2021/2022 Academic Session. We thank the Almighty God for the heights […]

2021 First term NewsLetter

APOSTOLIC FAITH SECONDARY SCHOOL ELIOPARANWO ROAD, OFF ADA-GEORGE JUNCTION PORT HARCOURT, RIVERS STATE Email: afssph@yahoo.com  26th February, 2021  NEWSLETTER  Dear Parent/Guardian, We express our gratitude to God who has brought us to the end of First Term, 2020/2021 Academic Session. We also thank you most importantly for the trust in the School management and your […]

NewsLetter for second term 2019/2020 Academic session

  APOSTOLIC FAITH SECONDARY SCHOOL 56 ELIOPARANWOROAD, OFF ADA GEORGE JUNCTION PORT HARCOURT, RIVERS STATE, NIGERIA. E-mail:afssph@yahoo.com Dear Parent/Guardian,   SEASON’S GREETINGS: We bring you greetings from Calvary for a successful end of second term in the2019/2020 Academic session. We thank God Almighty for His care and protection upon the students and the entire school […]

Conducive Environment

Our aim is to provide the very best education for every child within a caring environment where everyone is happy, safe and secure with his or her career ambition realized with the support from our professional, seasoned and dedicated staff which make our commitment to the success of the children to be total. We have […]

Standard Science Lab

Our science Laboratory is standard for teaching of sciences. We have a standard laboratories for all science subjects, like Physics, Chemistry, Biology etc. It is our happiness to inform you that our pupils/students achieve excellent results in both internal and external examinations. Students are also exposed to various co-curricular programmes which include drama, sport, music […]

World Class Facilities

At Apostolic Faith Schools we ensure the best facilities are provided for teaching and learning, since our management team recognize that each child has the potential to exceed expectation, the students are then encouraged to question and apply their knowledge, think creatively, be accommodating and ponder over their learning to achieve even better result.