Welcome to Apostolic Faith Schools. The schools are missionary co-educational institutions, owned by the Apostolic Faith church. AFSS comprises :Crèches, Nursery, Primary and Secondary. The Nursery/primary operates as day school only. While the secondary operates both day and boarding system.

Our school is a vision , focused, and quality motivated institute that raises children in the nurture and admonition of God, that turn out to be God fearing and law abiding gentlemen in future.


The powerful Word of God given to the students in the morning assembly, Bible Study, Association of Visiting Secretaries’ meetings, Sunday School, Youth meetings, Services, Retreats and other such various programs go a long way to soften, mold, transform and widen the horizon of the students’ minds towards God. No wonder, in God’s instruction to the children of Israel in the book of Deuteronomy 6:6 -7, “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up”. Israel was directed to teach their children the law of God at all times.

The tender heart of the young ones, if well cultivated through the Word of God, will make our societies God-fearing. When the fear of God permeates the hearts of the youths, the younger generation of our country, all the vices and ills bedeviling our nation will gradually fade out and God-fearing leaders will begin to emerge and before we know it, all forms of corruption, examination malpractices, cultism, armed robbery, kidnapping and the likes that now make our country insecure will be a thing of the past. The word of God is a consuming fire. When the Word of God is allowed to have its absolute sway and is given priority in the homes and institutions of learning (right from the crèche), it will burn off and consume all appearances of evil. God’s plan of peace for mankind will come to the lime light.

The Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. Jesus Christ Himself is the Word of God and the Wisdom of God. The one who has the Word of God has the wisdom of God. AFSS students, nurtured in the Word of God, thus perform excellently in various competitions and examinations without engaging in any examination malpractice.

In the recent UTME/JAMB examination, students of AFSS saw examination malpractice being “legalized” in examination centres but God helped them to take their stand. They depended on God and they were successful. Students who graduated from AFSS have proved the wisdom of God in their lives in their various higher institutions as many of them win laurels of excellent performances in their fields of study and obtain prizes for best behaviour.

As God promoted Daniel and his friends in Babylon, outgoing students of AFSS had been promoted by God to various high positions, enjoying scholarship for higher studies at home and beyond. One thing is certain; the Almighty God is purposeful in His endeavours.


A higher percentage of the populace does not think about eternity. Though everyone knows that death will certainly come one day, yet man never gives it a second thought as to what follows after death. In Hebrews 9:27, we read: “It is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgement” The one that is full of evil and wickedness never thinks of the consequences of his evil deeds. He continues in his lifestyle until death catches up with him unexpectedly after his rejection of a series of God’s offer of mercy.

During the course of training in AFSS, the students’ hearts and minds are geared towards living a godly life here on earth and making blissful eternity with God.

AFSS is established to make the gospel light shine in the world of darkness. Products of AFSS are little lights in their various corners of the world. Join AFSS family to become light – Jesus is The Light of the World.

Mr Emmanuel Emmanuel Agorkedeng